Cambodian Journal of Educational Development


The Cambodian Journal of Educational Development (CJED) was established in 2020 following the 6th Annual Follow-up Seminar of candidates and graduates under The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship by Japanese Grant Aid, known as JDS. Historically, such follow-up seminars have been organized consecutively for more than five years since 2014 specifically for JDS candidates and  graduates to present their master’s theses or research studies conducted upon graduation from Hiroshima University (HU). From the start, this seminar is targeted exclusively to JDS graduates of HU. It aims to continue promoting research culture among JDS graduates of HU and reinforce their academic and professional development through research. In recent years, the seminar has been expanded its scope to welcome presenters from other programs, including Special Program for International Students in Education (SPIES) and JICA Long-term Training. In 2019, approximately, there were 30 participants, including 12 presenters, two professors and five master’s students of HU, some participants from universities in Phnom Penh and from the New Generation Pedagogical Research Center.

To date, the seminar primarily focuses on education field. JDS graduates and others (SPIES and JICA Long Term Training) are informed and notified of the seminar after graduation. In general, the seminar is conducted at the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Phnom Penh,  Cambodia on a single-day basis and each presenter has 30 minutes for presentation, including question-and-answer session. The seminar has been organized every year by the operating committee comprising of some professors of HU. However, during the 2019 JDS follow-up seminar, the committee decided to transfer the role of seminar organizing to the new graduates of HU to promote autonomy and sustainability of the seminar, which means the JDS graduates in 2019 will be responsible for the arranging the seminar in 2020. The agenda of 2020 follow-up seminar are in the following pages.

At the same time, the committee also proposed that there should be a publication of the studies presented in the seminar so that the results can reach national and international audiences and be kept as documents for relevant stakeholders, including researchers, academicians and policymakers. Therefore, a peer reviewed journal has been established under the direct support from Hiroshima University. The journal is entitled the “Cambodian Journal of Educational Development.

The committee consists of eight members, including editor-in-chief, associate editors to editorial advisory board who are the researchers and experts from various areas of education sector (see Editorial Board). From 2020, the follow-up seminar will expand its scope to open up opportunities for not only candidates and graduates of JDS, SPIES and JICA Long Term Training programs but also Cambodian researchers and academicians (master’s to PhD students) to present and publish their papers with the CJED through the annual JDS follow-up seminar. The annual JDS follow-up seminar is regularly scheduled around the end of December. For details, please refer to our website.


The research reported does not have to be comparative in the sense of comparing aspects of education in different countries or cultures. A paper may report research carried out in just one specific location or cultural setting. Work can be drawn from any context or research paradigm. However, the journal tends to publish empirical research studies that have clear significance contributing to educational development. Therefore, a paper must have the following features:

  • A strong theoretical framework
  • Clear understanding of how literature critically relates to the topic researched
  • Strong design and analysis
  • Critical analysis and recommendations for further research, policy and practice in a national, regional and international context
  • In compliance with “Guidelines for Authors”.

How papers are assessed?

Papers are subject to a peer review process, using a national and international panel of researchers who are expert in relevant fields. Referees are asked to judge the quality of research and also the relevance and accessibility of a paper for not only a national but also an international audience. The journal uses single-blind reviews, meaning reviewers' identities are kept hidden from authors. A paper is evaluated by three reviewers assigned by the Editorial Board. Papers are reviewed for two rounds before being accepted for publication in CJED.